
Simple to use, easy to clean and travel-friendly, the AeroPress is a great brewer for the solo coffee drinker.
A medium bodied brew with a relatively complex flavour profile. (You can purchase an Aeropress, along with other brewing accessories, in our shop).
- Aeropress
- Kettle
- Grinder (optional)
- 15-18g Ground Coffee
- Filter Paper
- Weighing Scales
- Spoon
- Cup/Jug
- Ratio 1:14 (e.g. this recipe is for 18g ground coffee to 250g water)
- Water Temperature 94°C
- Overall Brew Time 2:30 minutes
- Grind Size Medium to Fine ( similar to caster sugar)
Tip: Alway rinse your filter papers. This gets rid of any paper residue which can affect taste. It can also heat your brewing equipment, minimising heat loss during brewing. Don’t forget to get rid of it though!
Inverted Method
- Weigh out coffee beans and grind to desired size.
- Place a clean filter paper in the Aeropress cap and saturate it with hot water over the sink.
- Insert plunger to top of Aeropress (just above mark ‘4’) and turn upside-down.
- Put ground coffee into inverted Aeropress, tap sides to level coffee bed.
- Pour in water and swirl or stir quickly 3-5 times, ensuring all grounds are saturated.
- Screw the cap with wet filter paper onto the bottom of the Aeropress and wait for 2 minutes.
- Turn Aeropress correct way up and place onto mug/jug.
- Press down/plunge smoothly for 30 seconds until all water is pushed through.
- Drink it. Smell it. Taste it. Enjoy it.
N.B. Watch out for when you turn the Aeropress around to plunge that the cap is screwed on properly and the top is in securely. If the Aeropress separates and you get coffee all over your kitchen, it’s a mess and a shame but we have all been there!
Regular Method
- Weigh out coffee and grind to desired size.
- Place filter into cap and screw into place on the brew chamber.
- Use some of the boiling water to rinse the paper (discard rinse water).
- Add ground coffee to brewer and tap to level the coffee bed.
- Tare scale, start timer and pour to 250ml of water (should be the very top of the Aeropress).
- After 30 seconds, stir 3-5 times to ensure no grounds are left dry.
- Set plunger on top of brew chamber and take brewing equipment off the scales.
- At 2 minutes apply pressure to push brewed coffee through the filter. This should take
around 30 seconds. Stop immediately when you hear a hissing sound. - Drink it. Smell it. Taste it. Enjoy it.
N.B. After making your coffee, unscrew the cap, push the used coffee puck into the bin and rinse/ clean your Aeropress right away. It’s very quick and very easy.