The cafetière (or French press) is great place to start brewing coffee at home, and is especially good for larger groups.

Filter coffee with a heavier body and complex flavour profile. The cafetière (or French press) is great place to start brewing coffee at home, and is especially good for larger groups.
- Cafetière/French press
- Kettle
- Grinder (optional)
- 45-55g Ground Coffee
- V60 Filter Papers
- Weighing Scales
- Spoon
- Cup/Jug
- Ratio 1:15 (e.g. this recipe is for 55g ground coffee to 850g water)
- Water Temperature 92-96°C
- Overall Brew Time 4 minutes
- Grind Size Medium to Coarse (a little finer than rock salt)
Tip: If making a smaller cafetière, err on the medium side of coarse. Grinds that are too coarse can produce a watery, flat cup, however too fine a grind can clog the filter and create silty cups of coffee.
- Preheat your cafetière by pouring in some boiling water and giving it a swirl.
- Discard the water, place cafetière on the scale and pour in ground coffee.
- Pour just-off-boiling water over the dry coffee and saturate all the grounds.
- Stir the coffee to ensure no patches are left dry and there are no clumps.
- Let it steep for 31/2 minutes, with the plunger cap on, but not pressed down and not touching the water.
- Remove plunger and skim off any foam as well as the coffee grinds that have floated to the top.
- Replace plunger and gently press down.
- Wait another minute or two before decanting.
- Drink it. Smell it. Taste it. Enjoy it.
- Leaving the plunger cap on while waiting will stop too much heat escaping. Skimming the grinds off the top will produce a cleaner cup.
- The longer you leave the grounds to settle at the end of brewing the more clarity and less sediment you will get.
- By decanting the brewed coffee you will stop extraction and leave the silt behind.