We seek to ensure that the coffee we roast is slavery free at source.
The coffee that you are enjoying today has come from a country in Africa, Asia or Latin America where poverty, corruption and exploitation might well be commonplace. It matters to us that the hard-working farmers who grow, harvest and process the cherries that create our favourite beverage are fairly treated and well paid for their work. To that end we LOVE working with friends like Cal from Cal’s Coffee (quite possibly most open, honest and likeable guy in coffee) from whom we purchase all of our Brazilian coffees; and Zukuka Bora Coffee with whom we enjoy an especially good relationship including working with them on the ground in Uganda.
We source the rest of our coffees from importers of whom we can (and annoyingly do) ask probing questions about the origins of the coffees that we buy. Some like Algrano can even connect us directly to the farmers so that we can build relationships with them personally. Instagram is GREAT for stuff like that!
So please know that when we bang-on about our coffee being #slaveryfree - it’s a lot more than mere words to us. Ethical sourcing matters because people matter at EVERY stage of the story of coffee. The thought of employing survivors of modern slavery to roast coffee that has involved exploitation further down the supply chain is utterly disgusting to us.
We are unashamedly about #freedomthroughcoffee
Thanks to everyone who gets that and buys Manumit Coffee.