The third and final value that drives us at Manumit concerns the profits that our business generates. The desire to invest our profits in a meaningful way has been a stated goal at Manumit from its very inception (neither of the directors receive a penny from Manumit). However, in truth we made very little profit during the first few years as the business was still very small and fledgling.
But this year, by God’s grace, our business really began to fly and we were thrilled to be able to make significant financial contributions to 2 charities - International Justice Mission (IJM) and Red Community.
IJM work all over the globe to both rescue and care for victims of modern slavery, alongside breaking up organised crime gangs and bringing pimps, traffickers and modern day slave traders to justice. They are AMAZING. Check them out!!
Red Community is a much smaller, Wales-based charity that raise awareness about trafficking and slavery across Wales. Red also runs a project called Embrace that offers a befriending service to survivors of slavery in South Wales and also issues small grants to provide for the practical needs of Survivors.
As well as supporting both of these charities we were delighted to be able to invest money into one of the coffee growing communities that we work with in Uganda - helping to underwrite the much-needed bonuses that get paid to the farmers on the ground.
It is our sincere desire that as Manumit continues to thrive we will once again be able to invest our profits even more generously and strategically next year.
Thanks for helping to make this possible.